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Vol. 25/No. 5 November 2013 Archive
Taming the Reptile: A Defendant’s Response to the Plaintiff’s Revolution
by Ken Broda-Bahm, Ph.D.Posted on November 5, 2013 | 7 CommentsHow can the Defense attorney strike back at the Reptile? Here's how. -
The Truthiness of Visual Evidence
by Eryn Newman, Ph.D and Neal Feigenson, J.DPosted on November 5, 2013 | 9 CommentsCan visual evidence result in 'truthiness'? Yes! Find out how it does and how to ameliorate that effect. -
Neutralizing Negative Pretrial Publicity: A Multi-Part Strategy
by Adam B. Shniderman, M.A.Posted on November 5, 2013 | 7 CommentsNeutralizing negative pretrial publicity…before trial, in voir dire, and during trial. -
When Does a Defendant’s Impulsivity Exculpate vs Incriminate?
by Clayton R. Critcher, Ph.D. and Yoel Inbar, Ph.D.Posted on November 5, 2013 | 1 CommentHow fast did your client make that decision? What assumptions will therefore be made as to their (moral) character? -
Favorite Thing: The DELETE Key
by Jason BarnesPosted on November 5, 2013 | No CommentsAh, the DELETE key. Sitting politely in the upper right of your keyboard, it patiently awaits a caress from your pinky. It quickly corrects errant keystrokes and poor word choices. Click. Goodbye. It evicts spam in the blink of an eye. Banishing Testostoril, Walk-in tubs, and Nigerian Finance Ministers with […] -
Inaccuracy in Political Self-Perception: Young Adults Are Not as Conservative as They Believe
by Michael J. Bernstein, PhD and Ethan Zell, PhDPosted on November 5, 2013 | 1 CommentIs it possible we really do not know our own political leanings? -
Book Review- Social Media as Evidence: Cases, Practice Pointers, and Techniques
by Rita Handrich, Ph.D.Posted on November 5, 2013 | 1 CommentA new book on how to use social media research for voir dire and discovery. -
Trial Advocacy: Truthiness, Falsiness, and Nothingness
by Kathy Kellermann, Ph.D.Posted on November 5, 2013 | 9 CommentsExtra-evidentiary ideas, thoughts, and associations make their way into your courtroom and deliberation room. How? Read on. -
Ringing Out 2013 (Just a Bit Early)
by Rita R. Handrich, Ph.D.Posted on November 5, 2013 | No CommentsNote from the Editor