International Experiences Archive

  • As the litigation environment continues to evolve, we need to prepare witnesses for whom English is not a first language and those with limited English proficiency (LEP). Here, two trial consultants walk us through the issues inherent in witness preparation when your witness is not proficient in English and give strategies for sensitivity and success in witness preparation with LEP witnesses.

    Untying Tongues: Preparing Witnesses Who Have Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

    by Alexis Forbes, Ph.D. and Will Rountree, J.D., Ph.D. As the litigation environment continues to evolve, we need to prepare witnesses for whom English is not a first language and those with limited English proficiency (LEP). Here, two trial consultants walk us through the issues inherent in witness preparation when your witness is not proficient in English and give strategies for sensitivity and success in witness preparation with LEP witnesses.

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  • What happened in Switzerland when they abolished civil juries?

    Abolition of Juries: The Switzerland Experience

    by Dr. Gwladys Gilliéron, LL.M and Yves Benda, M.Sc. and Stanley L. Brodsky, Ph.D. What happened in Switzerland when they abolished civil juries?

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