About Author: Jason Barnes, Associate Editor


Posts by Jason Barnes, Associate Editor

  • This year I’ve been asked to serve as an expert witness in two different capital cases in which the defense was concerned that the defendant would stand trial by an all-White (or nearly all-White) jury.  In both cases, the defendant was a Black man and his attorneys were concerned that […]

    On the Obstacles to Jury Diversity

    by Samuel R. Sommers, Ph.D. This year I’ve been asked to serve as an expert witness in two different capital cases in which the defense was concerned that the defendant would stand trial by an all-White (or nearly all-White) jury.  In both cases, the defendant was a Black man and his attorneys were concerned that […]

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  • Voir dire focused only on juror demographics offers very little insight into potential jurors’ inherent biases, deeply-held prejudices, and overall world views. Knowing what individuals believe, how they interpret life, and the filters through which they make judgments is of far greater value than knowing where they live and what […]

    Take Me to Your Leader: An Examination of Authoritarianism as an Indicator of Juror Bias

    by Gayle W. Herde, Ph.D. Voir dire focused only on juror demographics offers very little insight into potential jurors’ inherent biases, deeply-held prejudices, and overall world views. Knowing what individuals believe, how they interpret life, and the filters through which they make judgments is of far greater value than knowing where they live and what […]

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  • Should trial attorneys and experts condemn racial profiling as a police practice while condoning racial profiling in jury selection at trial?  As a British philosopher who has lived and worked in the United States, I offer some suggestions to help readers make the most of their expertise. These are complicated […]

    Ethical Issues in Racial Profiling

    by Annabelle Lever, Ph.D. Should trial attorneys and experts condemn racial profiling as a police practice while condoning racial profiling in jury selection at trial?  As a British philosopher who has lived and worked in the United States, I offer some suggestions to help readers make the most of their expertise. These are complicated […]

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  • What Is Anti-Muslim Bias? Imagine being a woman in your 70s bound to a wheel chair.  You have just lost your husband.  You are pleading with the justice system to enforce your rent control rights in an apartment where you have been paying rent, for over 20 years. You wear […]

    Strategies and Tactics for Addressing Anti-Muslim Bias in the Courtroom

    by Naveen Khan What Is Anti-Muslim Bias? Imagine being a woman in your 70s bound to a wheel chair.  You have just lost your husband.  You are pleading with the justice system to enforce your rent control rights in an apartment where you have been paying rent, for over 20 years. You wear […]

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  • Defense attorney Tom Martin1 had five days left to prepare and finalize his voir dire for a high stakes medical malpractice case. After over twenty-eight months of preparation, Tom was ready to rock and roll. “I’ve covered the bases on past medical experiences with illness or injury, sick and disabled at […]

    Managing Patriotic Prejudice when Representing Arab, Muslim or Middle Eastern Clients

    by Dennis C. Elias, Ph.D. Defense attorney Tom Martin1 had five days left to prepare and finalize his voir dire for a high stakes medical malpractice case. After over twenty-eight months of preparation, Tom was ready to rock and roll. “I’ve covered the bases on past medical experiences with illness or injury, sick and disabled at […]

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  • There are two great benefits that proponents of forensic animations like to advertise about their product.  The first is that that having a courtroom animation increases the persuasiveness of an argument and the second is that an animation creates a lasting visual impression that is retained in jurors’ memories longer […]

    The Lesser Known Benefits of Forensic Animation

    by Eugene Liscio There are two great benefits that proponents of forensic animations like to advertise about their product.  The first is that that having a courtroom animation increases the persuasiveness of an argument and the second is that an animation creates a lasting visual impression that is retained in jurors’ memories longer […]

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  • There is only one true measure of a good legal graphic: does it persuade the trier of fact to “buy in” to your client’s point of view? That, after all, is the point of any courtroom presentation, and it makes no sense to spend your time (or your client’s money) […]

    Discover the Power of Conceptual Persuasion

    by Karyn J. Taylor There is only one true measure of a good legal graphic: does it persuade the trier of fact to “buy in” to your client’s point of view? That, after all, is the point of any courtroom presentation, and it makes no sense to spend your time (or your client’s money) […]

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  • How do male and female jurors react to a woman who has been successful in a traditionally masculine domain?    Research in social psychology consistently finds that both males and females characterize women who have been successful in male-dominated fields as cold, unlikable businesswomen. However, the motivation behind this derogation […]

    Anticipate and Influence Juror Reactions to Successful Women

    by Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm How do male and female jurors react to a woman who has been successful in a traditionally masculine domain?    Research in social psychology consistently finds that both males and females characterize women who have been successful in male-dominated fields as cold, unlikable businesswomen. However, the motivation behind this derogation […]

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  • Like lab rats hunger for food, people who judge a moral wrongdoing may hunger for the wrongdoer’s punishment.  Neuro-imaging research even confirms that anticipation of a wrongdoer’s punishment activates a “pleasure center” of the brain (de Quervain, et al., 2004). Simply put, people are driven by punitive motivation. Also like […]

    Do Liberals and Conservatives Punish Differently?

    by Bryan L. Koenig, M.A. Like lab rats hunger for food, people who judge a moral wrongdoing may hunger for the wrongdoer’s punishment.  Neuro-imaging research even confirms that anticipation of a wrongdoer’s punishment activates a “pleasure center” of the brain (de Quervain, et al., 2004). Simply put, people are driven by punitive motivation. Also like […]

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  • For years we have been reading generalizations about the Generations. Boomers are supposed to be the most generous. The Post-War Generation is more conservative. The claim is that the Generation into which we are born shapes our values. Economic, political and social events influence a person’s point of view. While […]

    What Does a Juror’s Generation Mean to Trial Consultants?

    by Patricia McEvoy, Ph.D. and Eliza Shepherd For years we have been reading generalizations about the Generations. Boomers are supposed to be the most generous. The Post-War Generation is more conservative. The claim is that the Generation into which we are born shapes our values. Economic, political and social events influence a person’s point of view. While […]

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